Gratefull to have such a beautiful and strong logo for Lab O, thank you Michel Rijk!
Find below the story behind it ...


LabO - Making the invisible visible
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Lab O, a labotary for handwoven canvas in Odemira, Portugal. The place where science, history, art and weaving come together.
When we look at a painting in a museum we are focused on the image, the colors, the composition, the technique used, the underlying idea, etc. But not really on what is underneath. The canvas. This becomes visible through X-ray photography.
Lab O analyzes these X-ray images and develops them into a binding drawing. To then weave this with a hand loom. This way you get a reconstruction of the canvas of that time. The "invisible" becomes visible and tangible.
The client wanted a name and logo that were easy to remember and that remained recognizable. An association with the location of her hand-woven canvas laboratory was also a criteria that the logo had to meet.
A laboratory and handwoven canvas. Those are the two worlds that come together. The logo needs to be simple but powerful to support the story. Focused on the common denominator of the story. The focus, the study of "the material". And the location where it all happens.